Item Information
  • With the ZSHOW girl's waterproof ski jacket, your child can embrace outdoor adventures with both warmth and style. Children have an innate love for exploring the great outdoors and satisfying their curiosity. The girl's windproof snow jacket is the ideal solution for ensuring your little one stays warm and snug during chilly weather! This outdoor ski jacket for girls boasts a durable design that effectively combats both wind and water, making it the ultimate choice for any outdoor activity. Not only is the girl's jacket functional, but it also exudes a fashionable charm with its adorable color and hooded design, guaranteeing that your child looks fabulous while staying cozy. Specifically designed for girls aged 6 and above, this girls' snowboarding jacket is perfect for skiing, hiking, camping, or any other thrilling outdoor escapade.
Retailer Price Customer Rating
Walmart $59.98 4.9